IV League

$200 USD (Seed Investment)


Success also looks like ownership. There is only so long a woman should want to lease out her talent, expertise or labor. We are creating an opportunity - for women to be in control of something other than just a narrative - a global media enterprise of their own by making a $200 USD Seed (I)nvestment to become a partner and (V)esting their interest over 5 years.

We are empowering women to step into Media entrepreneurship and explore opportunities in the creation and management of a collective media venture designed to close an opportunity gap, in which we have identified a vacuum for women-owned media enteprises in the global landscape.Through our combined resources and integrated partnership, we are creating the opportunity for women to have a seat at the table and some form of control in the media landscape utilising innovative business models (where traditional media concepts meet digital delivery) for maximum outreach and economic sustainability. With our venture, we will transform the narratives and representation of women in media.G-Woman Media offers value through the creation and delivery of multimedia content on our different platforms (G-Woman Magazine, G-Woman Radio and G-Woman TV) to direct consumer audience, businesses and brands for several benefits including achieving social impact and inspiring social behavioural changes, amplifying brand awareness and outreach, as well as to earn profit from sources who are willing to pay - which includes brand sponsorships, user subscription, advertisers, click-to-pay consumers, data analysts/researchers/collectors and direct customer audience.To execute our creative vision for G-Woman Media - we will hire, collect, or contract with production resources, such as creative and technical teams, talents, suppliers, distributors, promoters, technical and software infrastructure, knowledge base and other essential resources in addition to developing and maintaining all our digital platforms.Our founder has invested 50% of her resources and intellectual property into kickstarting G-Woman Media Inc. with support from The BRAG Media Company, LLC. Co-Founders have invested 40% (Each contributing 10%) and the remaining 10% in our equity pool will be authorised to 100 Partners (0.1% each) who altogether make up the G-Woman IV League.


The IV League represents a community of women who are ready to (I)nvest and (V)est their interests over a period of time. Why? Because businesses take years to build. Vesting protects the company and the interest of investors and shareholders who are willing to earn their authorised shares as it appreciates in value through their support & contributions.

G-Woman Media IV League welcomes partnerships with women who love media and want to inVest and grow with other G-Women.

Our mission is to empower women to build worth and wealth in media. Our IV League empowers women to take charge of their careers and bank accounts creating economic sustainability and building a future legacy.We Invest Together. Grow Together. And Build a Wonderful Legacy Together.To kick off, we have 100 available seats for our future partners with a 5-year vesting period to receive shares and a seat on the management team across 20 sub-regions.NOTE: All partners will vest their shares over a 5 year period & receive cash dividends (at the rate of 20% per share annually), which they can claim, reinvest or sell-off to any member of the board at the end of vesting.

Partner Receives...

  • 10,000 authorised shares + 0.1% Company Ownership in G-Woman Media Inc. and a 5-Year 'Vesting Period' with a two year Cliff.

  • Fully vested dividends (of 20% per share annually) delivered and paid out in December 2028.

  • 'Director' Role in the Management Team (to lead a sub-region under one of our main regions). NOTE: Limited to first batch of 20 partners. Non-Exec roles available on board.

  • Partner-only forum (IV League) to receive business updates and connect with other partners.

  • Opportunity to grow your brand & impact globally - host your own show (on G-Woman Radio or G-Woman TV) or be a contributing writer for G-Woman Magazine.

Partner Participates...

  • Contributing skills & strengths to promote and amplify our company's mission and impact.

  • Provide creative contribution to the board and independent oversight.

  • Recommending potental partners for collaboration on our platforms or projects.

  • Supporting our projects and platforms with information, connections, and advice.


Join us in our mission to create the first legacy based women-owned media enterprise. Fill out some information below and we'll send you an official partner invitation to join the IV League.NOTE: To protect the company and the interest of partners it's important to learn more about who we are inviting into the IV League. All information sent are private and confidential.

Reach Out

© 2023 G-Woman IV League - All Rights Reserved | An Initiative of G-Woman Media, Inc.

Application Received

Thank you for your interest to partner & invest in G-Woman Media Inc, we look forward to inviting you into our IV League. You should hear from us in 72 hours. The President will be in touch with further information on how to proceed.